What is the research saying?
Rhode Island Sea Grant Legal Program: Staff Research and Publications
Research and publications from the Marine Affairs Institute staff on timely legal and policy issues raised by the development and use of the oceans and coastal zones.
Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles, and Pile Driving
Text transcription: North Atlantic Right Whale Mitigation Measures Infographic
There is a growing body of research on the potential effects of offshore wind piledriving on marine mammals and turtles. By investigating the impact of piledriving on these animals, we can gain a better understanding of how to mitigate any negative effects and ensure that offshore wind energy can be developed sustainably while protecting marine wildlife. Click the button below to learn more about what the current research says.
Underwater Noise with Offshore Wind Farms
Text Transcription: Underwater Noise Timeline of an Offshore Wind Farm
Offshore wind farms generate noise in the marine environment in all stages of their lifetimes. This noise can impact marine species in different ways. Learn more about these impacts and mitigation strategies.