Offshore wind array with turbine in the foreground. Turbine components and wind array features are labeled. Link to text version available below.

Offshore Wind Farm Basics

Infographic that labels the components housed inside the nacelle of an offshore wind turbine

Inside a Turbine

The nacelle houses components to convert energy from the spinning blades into electricity. The blades are connected to shafts which transfer kinetic energy (energy of motion) to the generator through the gear box. Inside the generator, the process of electromagnetism takes place. Electromagnetism is the principle that allows for the conversion of kinetic energy into electricity. Spinning magnets around a coil of conductive wire pushes the electrons in the wire, creating an electrical current.

Energy Transmission

Just as power lines carry electricity to our homes, high-voltage undersea cables bring energy from offshore wind farms to substations, where the energy can be integrated into the electrical grid. Cable installation processes involve diverse tools, technologies, and construction methods to create infrastructure that can be resilient in harsh ocean conditions.

A worker in SCUBA gear inspects an underwater cable on the seafloor.
